The faces are from now
on interchangeable, which encourages your preferences of
the moment and those to come. Such a method allows you to
regularly change the look of our doll, according to your
fantasies. In the future, as new faces are released, you
may be mesmerized by one; no problem : you can order the
face of your choice and be able to place it on your doll
within seconds.
The other advantage of an interchangeable face is that,
if inadvertently the one in place develops a defect, or
simply you would like the make-up retouched, it would suffice
to unscrew the face without re-sending the entire doll back.
Another advantage is the possibility of having more than
one of the same face, but with different make-up/looks.
The assembly and dis-assembly
of the face is made simple by a screw situated at the back
of the head. The centering is automatic. The border is practically
invisible given that it is situated behind the ears.
Decrease in Weight
For two years, we have
been working on a technique that allows us to decrease the
weight while conserving the initial quality. We had to re-do
the molds, pre-molds, and our manufacturing sites as well
as a new structure compatible with this new technique. The
long-term result of this hard work allows us to propose
a more sturdy and lightweight doll weighing no more than
35-38 kilograms.
There are multiple advantages
-easier to move
-easy to clean in a bathtub or shower
-less risk of deterioration
-easy to dress and undress
-more easy to manipulate
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